Truth Be Told: Men Don't Bring Anything To The Table

January 26, 2024 DD SEDEORA JAYE Season 1 Episode 1

What does it really mean for a man to bring something to the table? Today on Truth Be Told, I, DD Sedeora Jaye, am serving up a feast for thought on the true value of a man's worth — and it's not measured in dollar signs. We're challenging the status quo, upending the conventional metrics of material success, and replacing them with the robust pillars of spiritual and emotional strength. As we dissect the intricate layers of a man's essence, we reveal how life's trials and triumphs fortify the proverbial table he brings to his relationships.

Sit down with us as we scrutinize the pressure on men to meet societal expectations that often overshadow the intangible, yet invaluable, contributions they make. It's a candid conversation that flips the script, empowering men to select partners who not only appreciate but enhance their inherent value. Without a single cliche in sight, I urge our brothers to safeguard their core against superficial standards and invite in those who bring mutual respect and genuine substance to the shared table of life. Join us for this revelatory session — no paper goods allowed, only the real deal.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the DD Sedeora Jaye show. Dripping controversy on the mic. Don't forget to comment, like and subscribe on all social media platforms. Now here is DD Sedeora Jaye with an edition of Truth Be Told.

Speaker 2:

The world's most expensive table sold at an auction for $4.6 million On January 20th 1990, in a Christie's auction held in Philadelphia. Today, the table is probably worth closer to $7.5 million if it were to resell in an auction. Does a man understand the true worth of his table? A man's table is the strength of his bank. A man's table is built on the muscles of his organs, bones, skin, hair, dna, makeup, with a mixture of life lessons and accomplishments. All of these materials is what determines the sturdiness of a man's spiritual table. Does a man recognize the true worth of his table? The fabric of a man is priceless, which leads me to ask the question if a man is aware of the value of his table, how does he allow a woman to come along and appreciate his work?

Speaker 2:

A table has to have the strength to endure everyday life, for it is used as a workstation, study table, sewing table, homework, breakfast, lunch, dinner, deep conversations. It's used to hold books, computers and table decor. The backbone of the table must have durability to sustain its value. A woman expects the solidity of a man's table to be built from height. Good looks, good teeth, muscles, dress, nice, smell good, great sex. A coverer, a protector, a provider, insurance, 401k, car, house savings, checkings, stocks, bonds, a business, a side gig, a hustle, a college degree and a partridge and a poetry. Yet when a man accepts that the backbone of his table is the makeup of priceless materials, why does he allow a woman who can only bring paper goods to his table to depreciate his value?

Speaker 2:

You see, women want to sit at tables. They can't put anything on. Women want men to be the table, but can't bring anything to the table. There are women who can't cook nor cling. There are sexist, mediocre, nor do they have bank accounts, or if they do have bank accounts, there is not enough money to carry them over to the next month. They don't have a car nor a house. Their livelihood is based on social media likes, nor are they able to exemplify the basic fundamentals of a successful relationship. Men, protect the value of your table. Never allow a woman to come into your life and depreciate the value of your table, the true backbone of your core. Never allow a woman to stain your table with cheap attributes. Invest in a woman who takes the time to appraise the characteristics that make up your spiritual table. She will know how to place elements of substance on your table so the value increases. Men, don't bring anything to the table, because they are the table.